Discover Puerto Rico

Discover the Magic of Vieques Bio bay by Electric Boat

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What are your thoughts on a real life treasure hunt? No, you will not be searching for gold, and no, you will not need a treasure map. You might need a guide though. Are you wondering what we are talking about? Well, we are talking about none other than one of the finest treasures known to Puerto Rico’s shores. That is right, Vieques Bio Bay,or Mosquito bay. Explore the wonders the waters have in their midst and be awe-struck by its beauty. If that is not a treasure then, what is?

How will you be visiting this treasure cove, you ask? By electric boat, of course! Electric boats are a unique and eco-friendly way to explore the enchanting bay in all its splendour.

The characteristics and biology of Vieques Bio Bay

Mosquito Bay, which is otherwise known as Puerto Mosquito is located on the southern shore of the island Vieques. This bay has often been referred to as magical by those who have had the opportunity to visit. This bay has been described as the brightest in the world by Guinness book of World Records in 2008. The Mosquito Bay encloses about 158 acres and is about 12.1 feet deep.

In case you are wondering what causes the famous glow of the water, we have got you covered. The explanation is actually really simple. There millions of micro-organisms called dinoflagellates that inhabit the waters. When they are high in concentration, they are able to produce the light. This happens when they encounter movement or they come into contact in other organisms. Thanks to this phenomenon, we have the enchanting bio bay we see today.

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The benefits of experiencing Vieques Bio Bay by electric boat

An electric bio bay boat tour is fun, easy, and educational. It is great for people with disabilities, or kids too young to kayak.

One benefit is that electric boats do not require any fuel and very little oil, so they are far less likely to cause any harm to wildlife or water users, making them a great way to significantly reduce water pollution. This goes a long way especially because Mosquito Bay is fragile in requires serious and conscious efforts to ensure its protection.

Electric boats can be run off clean, green energy. Since they are charged directly from the grid, electric boats can be powered by  renewable energy. Diesel and petrol engines on the other hand, rely on huge amounts of energy in order to get the boats to dock.

Another benefit of visiting the Vieques Bio Bay by an electric boat is that they are energy efficient. Electric boats ensure that power distribution and hull form are as efficient as they can possibly  be.

Furthermore, electric boats are quiet. This means that there is minimal disturbance to wildlife. There are scientific studies that show that the noise generated by diesel and petrol fuelled boats has harmful effects on the marine wildlife present at the Mosquito Bay. This is because, the noise prevents fish from hearing predators and can hinder the navigation of animals that only have partial sight. In addition to this, breeding cycles can be impacted.

The electric boats have a wake that is used to have a look at the micro-organisms from above. Since you cannot swim in the water, this is the next best thing.

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The boats are usually designed for about two or three passengers and feature high quality finishes, excellent ergonomics and simple controls that are known to be described as intuitive.

Obviously, you will want to maximize your time at the infamous Mosquito bay, and ensure that you are getting the best experience possible. To help maximize your experience and ensure you get the best views of the bioluminescence, here are some handy tips.

Firstly, you may want to bring your picture or video taking device along. In as much as capturing the moment is a good idea, make sure your flash is off, exposure is set to four or more seconds and you ISO is 1200 or higher. This will ensure you get better pictures and videos which is a notoriously tough feat at Mosquito Bay.

In addition to the above, do your best to make sure you do not litter as the ecosystem is very fragile. The use of bug repellents, or lotions, or creams, or even perfumes that may cause harm to the tiny dinoflagellates is strictly prohibited. This is to ensure the continuity of the species and prevent any harm from coming to them.

How to plan a visit to Vieques Bio Bay by electric boat

Planning ahead is always a great idea. It pays off to come prepared and be ready for any situation at hand. To help you plan for your visit to Mosquito Bay, we have got you covered.

Three to four tours are offered every night and good days to visit the bay can be booked by taking a look at the bio bay calendar that is available online. To make reservations, you can call 787-403-5582 or use the official webpage.

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To get to Vieques’ bioluminescent bay, you can arrive by flight or ferry. For ease of transport, flying is heavily recommended.

A touring company that offers the electric boat tour service is Viequenese Sea Tours. You can call them for further enquiries on their number 787-435-3661.

The best time to visit the Mosquito bay is during the dry season which ranges from December to mid April. Make sure you go on a night which has a new moon and very little external light. This will heighten your viewing experience. You can confirm ahead of time when making reservations on which day is the most conducive according to the new moon calendar.

Other marine experiences in Puerto Rico to try

There are tons of other marine experiences that Puerto Rico has to offer you. Here are a few of them as seen below.

  • Riding a speed boat to Mona Islands where you can scuba dive
  • Ride a Catamaran to Culebra where you can snorkel
  • Visit Cayo Icacos
  • Wine and dine on picnic boat tours
  • Fly above the sea on a jet ski
  • Master deep sea fishing at Fajardo, etc.

Visiting Vieques Bay by electric boat is a unique and magical experience. Come and discover the marine life of Puerto Rico and try the electric boat tour.vvvv


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